Emmie Update-37 Weeks

When last we left our baby Emmie updates at 32 weeks the placenta was moved but the baby was frank breech.  That meant she was head up and so were her feet.  Future gymnast?  Maybe.

I didn't post at 34 weeks because, well, it was boring.  Listened to the heartbeat, discussed options if baby doesn't move.  Yawn.

So, this appointment was the "big one."  Where was she?  Would we need to do an ECV?  Wait it out?  Would we have an ultrasound to see what was going on?

I'm thrilled to say, she is head down!  As of now.  She could still move because my uterus is "stretchy."  That means I've had a lot of kids and I can make all sorts of room for overactive babies.

I know ya'll are probably tired of me saying this but I am constantly thanking God for Dr. J.  Even while we were trying to figure out he started saying that since she was still spinning (and she was...she was having hiccups all over last week), that we would wait and see how she did or until I went in to labor and make the decision then .  As I said with earlier pregnancies, we always feel part of the team and decision making and we are very grateful to have a doctor who doesn't make snap decisions and really seeks out what is best for baby and mom.

Now it's just a wait until she's ready.  I asked him how far over I could go past my due date and he said I wouldn't go over.  I laughed at him.  So, he's going to give her eviction papers ten days or so after my due date.

I've got things ready for her and we're all waiting but for some reason it just doesn't seem real that we'll have a new little one here in just a few weeks.  I'm excited to meet her and for the kids to have a baby here but, honestly, we have a few things we need to get wrapped up (like school and a project fair) before we meet her, so I'm fine if she wants to cook for a few more weeks.

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