Happy Birthday Josiah!!!

We celebrated Josiah at the end of June!  This past year, Mark and I have noticed Josiah's goofy personality emerge.  He loves to walk up and say something witty and then flash his bright smile.  I think his cowlick grins too!

Five years ago, we held our big boy and wondered what in the world God was thinking giving us three boys in a row!  We know now that each one is such a blessing and we wouldn't trade our 'Siah for anything.  While everyone is rushing through life going here and there, Josiah reminds us to sloooow down.  I regret the times I've been impatient with his slow speed.  However, now, I can see how his moving slow and steady helps him to observe and take in so much of this world God has put us in.  He's a thinker and I can't wait to see what he is going to come up with next!  He'll officially start kindergarten this year and by using his thinking observant brain he's already picked up on some of his kindergarten skills by watching Liam.

He chose the Duggar Ice Cream Cake for his dessert.  He didn't want butterfingers for the toppings so we went with mini m&ms.  It was a chocolate sacrifice we just had to make.  And we suffered too...with every single bite.

**Black eye courtesy of a sibling conflict the day before the big birthday**

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