Baby #5 Update

I had a prenatal appointment today and was able to hear the heartbeat. For once, Mark stayed home with the kids. We thought it would be easier that way for one time.

However, when they stuck the Doppler on (yes, like the radar thing but different), my nurse couldn't find the heartbeat. She searched for awhile then Dr. J took over and Nurse D tried to distract me by talking about nothing. Dr. J shushed her and we heard the faint little heartbeat. Faint because it was just quiet but it was very strong and Dr. J said it was healthy. I was glad and breathed a sigh of relief. I just knew something like that was going to happen when Mark wasn't there. He also took my physical paperwork for the adoption and so, hopefully, we'll get that squared away soon and will be able to have our homestudy finished.

So, time for a poll, shall we? What do you think the baby is? A boy or a girl??? Place your vote. Voting will end on October 29th since that is when I'll have my u/s and we should be able to see what God has in store for us with #5.

We are very blessed, and grateful for a healthy baby so far. Please continue to pray for this little one. And, I am feeling much better. Current cravings include oranges, tomatoes (in salads and foods) and milk. Heartburn is in full swing but Zantac should combat that now!

1 comment:

  1. I am glad to hear that the baby is doing well. I'll be the first to guess the sex...I think it is a girl. I just don't remember you being this sick with any of the boys(nauseated, but not quite as bad, I don't think) and I do remember you were quite ill with Zoe. That is my take anyway...we'll see!!!!
