Emmie Update

Miss Emmie is now pushing 4 weeks and growing very well.  Late last week I started getting breathing counts in the 40s to 50s.  I was super excited.  She has had a couple in the lower 60s but nothing in the 90s or 100s since Thursday.  I contacted Dr. B and she agreed that if her numbers were staying most consistently in normal range, then there was no need to do the modified barium swallow.  They are cancelling the test for us.  It's been so nice to see her breathing long slow breaths.  Thank you to every one who has been praying for her.  We have all felt your prayers.

Now for some adorably cute baby pics:

 Our neighbor came over to gift Emmie with some fun things.  One was a spoon.  Not sure who's little hand that is trying to feed her!

 Oh, you know, just chilling...waiting for some Bama football!  You can't see it but her cutsie socks are Bama too.  This was one of three onesies given to Emmie by a die-hard Auburn fan.  The sacrifices we make for cute babies.

 We had another neighbor decorate our mailbox for us!  Too sweet and cute.

Josiah takes his big buddy role very seriously. 

I'm very grateful that I breast feed, otherwise Emmie would be held by seven siblings all.  the.  time.  This bunch loves their baby sister.  Malachi is usually requesting to see her or tries to show her things. He's very gentle with her and is really looking forward to the day when she'll actually look at his trucks (but I'm sure he'll change his mind when she grabs them and shoves them in to her mouth).
 Our friend, L, getting some sweet Emmie cuddles.

 Adorableness...we had to get quick snapshots of some outfits because her neck and chest are outgrowing them rapidly.
 Twice this week, I have been told that Emmie looks like me.  One day soon I'll put up a picture of me as a babe.  Either way, she does bare a striking resemblance to Granddaddy.  He was a high school football coach for over 40 years.  Some of his players may remember this face.

 Yes.  Another.  Because she is cute.  And is learning how to say, "Roll Tide" early.

The first crochet dress I've made.  It barely fit and the bow may be over the top but it helps to show she's a girly girl.

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