In and Out

So, last week we finished up our school year.  And this week we're taking it easy.  Ya know, just relaxing and hanging out before we start back up.  Not doing much...whatever.

I am more busy now than when the kids are actually doing school.  Zoe announced Sunday that her church dresses were shrinking!  I think she's just secretly taking growth pills.  So, we traipsed to the fabric store, found a (what I hope) is a simple pattern and picked one up for Ceili Rain too.  I really need to just replace my dryer since the girls' clothes keep shrinking like this.

We've also got birthday presents to purchase (all total, there are about 16 birthdays we "celebrate" between May 1st and September 1st), plants to plant and dig up (I planted potatoes this year and the flowers bloomed which is supposed to indicate they're ready), a house to clean, swimsuits to sew (for me...finished up Ceili Rain's yesterday and it is Cute with a capital C), sewing repairs to make...

Okay, I could go on and on.  So, to celebrate our week "off,"  my blogging will be few and far between.  And I won't apologize for it either!

I really am grateful I am so busy with these little ones.  God has truly blessed us!

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