Celebrating Ace-Man

A couple of weeks ago, I posted a quick blurb that Ace actually had a birthday!  So, for the rest of this week, we'll be celebrating his birthday in pictures (since I'm catching up and all).

He didn't have his party until the Saturday after he turned six, but we did give him the choice of opening some of our presents at home or on the day of his party.  He decided birthday day would be just fine.

He has been playing backyard baseball (and yes, that can be played in our small backyard) for awhile.  Mark noted at how well he could hit a plastic ball and use a plastic bat.  So, we got him a wooden bat and some almost real balls.  They are a little softer and designed for t-ball so they're bigger than regular baseballs...but we figured he could do the least amount of damage with these.  He could not wait for Mark to run outside and play with him. 

And, of course, I didn't get any pictures of him actually using the equipment!  That would have been silly!!

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