REVIEW: Tallest of Smalls

*This book was given as a complimentary copy to Mama Buzz and reviewers, for blog tour purposes.*

PhotobucketThe Tallest of Smalls by Max Lucado 

Ages 4-7

Retails for $16.99


Those who knew me as I was growing up already know that I really struggled with "fitting in" or relating to others.  I was too tall, had big feet, and liked to read. do you fit in with people when you're like that. When I accepted Christ in high school, I realized that trying to be like others and wanting that was not important.  Christ was all I needed and He loved me no matter how I looked and no matter what I did.

Max Lucado relays this message clearly and concisely to children in his latest book The Tallest of Smalls.  Zoe read the book to Liam when it first came in and I had to choke by tears.  Realizing, once again, that Christ loves me no matter what I look like or how much I do (or don't do).  I just finished reading it again, to LIam and Ace.  While the tale is simplistic, that's all that's needed, to introduce a child to Christ's undeserved love.  The book is written in prose and is very reminiscent of a certain children's author who wrote about a cat in a certain piece of apparel.  So, the flow of the text is smooth and very inviting (especially to someone who adores the writings of that certain children's author who wrote about a cat in a certain piece of apparel).

I guess when I thought I was getting a book by Lucado, I was picturing my much loved collection of Wemmicksville books.  The illustrations in it are very classic.  However, I was pleasantly surprise dby Maria Monescillo's work!  The pictures have more of a modern feel and are very engaging.  I love the bright colors accented by the dark ones.  My description can not do the images justice as I'm not that much of an art conniseur.

In a nutshell, The Tallest of Smalls by Max Lucado and illustrated by Maria Monescillo continues with Lucado's brilliant work in children's books.  He (along with Monescillo) is able to capture the attention and imagination of children as well as speaking Biblical truths that Jesus's love for you is not about what you can do or what you look like, but it is about you as His creation!

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