On the blink...

Grandmere (Mark's mom) came over on Monday morning to teach me to sew a little bit. By saying "come over" I mean she woke at the crack of dawn (or before) and drove four hours.

I had a pretty ambitious goal of making matching dresses for the girls (a goal for each season), nightgowns for Zoe, and pantaloons for Zoe's Sunday dresses. Today, Grandmere had to go back home, so I set out to finish as much as I could while I had a live in babysitter. I went to turn the tv on for Ace and the morning stragglers to watch while I got breakfast ready. Despite the fact that tv was doing great last night, when I turned it on today it had lines and half the picture missing. I guessed that the cable was a little messed up so I switched over to video so they could watch the traditional morning video. It was doing the same thing and then it went black. I turned it off, then turned it back on. Lines again. Then it slowly straightened out. I got ready to start the video and the screen went blank.

Now, keep in mind that the entire 8 years of our marriage we have never had to buy a tv. This tv is a 32 inch monster of a tv and needs about ten people to move it and was given to us by Ge and Granddaddy when they upgraded. Now it looks like we'll be searching for a new tv.

Not that we're rushing to get one. We watch the Duggars and Ace of Cakes on a regular basis...typically we just don't watch any one tv show at any time. We recently swapped cable/internet/phone service and got a special promo deal with it. When it runs out in November, we'd already planned to drop cable.

I think four years ago, I may have had a panic attack if we couldn't have a tv with expanded cable. After all, I need my HGTV and TLC! But now, I can do without the horrible commercials or the exploitation of people's marital dramas (you all know who I'm talking about). What a blessing it is that our lives are not centered on television. I've been impressed that the kids have not noticed nor do they seem to care.

We will be purchasing another tv though. Movie nights would just be weird with four little heads and two big heads trying to see out of a 13 inch tv (a graduation gift from my high school time).

On top of sewing and a busted tv, Josiah started running a temp...even though he feels horrible, we've had some sweet cuddle time. Baby sickness forces me to stop and just love on them.


  1. With 2 teenagers, our cable went this last year. I miss my HGTV and Ace of Cakes, but when I think of all the other stuff to fill my children's heads, I'm glad it's gone. Now we just have regular tv and the boys LOVE to watch RTN. I routinely find them watching Knight Rider (of the 80's) and The A Team. They love Kojak for some odd reason and the Rockford Files.
    If you ever need help with sewing just holler. I'll help if I can. I did the same thing you are doing when Luke was a baby. Only I took my sewing machine (given to me by my mom) to our pastor's house and Jan--his wife--gave me my first, ok, 2nd sewing lesson. I haven't stopped yet. But, my boys outgrew the things they'd let me sew for them and then dress them in!!! Enjoy this season. It flies way too fast!

  2. Thanks for the offer of help. I learned a ton but may need some help when I do the other pjs for Zoe. The boys' have felt kind of left out so I told them I would make them t-shirts appliques (knights were requested) next month.
