Adoption Update

Right now, everything is going to be on hold with the adoption until Ceili Rain is born. This will save us money for a home study update as well as time with other paperwork waiting on the update to be complete. So, by the end of March, our home study should be approved and we should have all our paperwork ready including our immigration paperwork as well as our country paperwork (the dossier).

Our program coordinator told us this week, however, that it may be a good wait as many people are requesting a child in the age range we are looking at. We know that God is good and are trusting him to bring us our daughter at just the right time, so keep praying ya'll!

Also, within the next few weeks, we will be posting our financial needs for this adoption. I would love to say that we can pay for it all, but the truth is we are following God's will and knowing He will provide the money needed. I want people to know and see what we need so they can also see how God provides and works through this whole, hold on to your seats and watch Him work!

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