Fall Festival

Our church had our annual fall festival this year. We were able to bring a friend of Zoe's along and I believe, she had a great time. I know my kids did and they were totally wiped out by the time we got home. Ace got to shoot a bow and arrow (which he has been asking Santa for and has increased in asking since). Zoe also shot one and really did outshoot Ace. I told Mark that she looked just like Susan Pevensie from Narnia! She really enjo0yed it. Anyway, enjoy the pictures with a little music to lighten the mood!

1 comment:

  1. That looks like my dear darling husband's hand helping your kids out! We love our bows and arrows. I even have my own. It's purple with hot pink arrows so no one mistakes which are mine. Paul is plotting to get me with him to the Appling Archer thing to do the bow shooting thing.
