August Randomness

Dress up time at our house looks like this:

 And this:

The boys had been making paper airplanes. Lots of them. This was found on the girls' bedroom door one afternoon. That was Zoe's jurisdiction and apparently she had had enough. Either that or she was seeking a way to earn a quick nickel.

I made fried okra.  Like real fried okra.  We  don't actually fry food but one day, after our okra bush yielded a crop and a half, I decided to try it.  Tasted just like my mom's!

 I promise, Kristina and I will get a marriage between our kids.  Somehow, someday.  This day we were working on Josiah and Megan's courting contract.  Okay, really, they were playing on Kristina's iphone.

And these two were just being goofy and wanted a picture.

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