The Grandparents are Here!

Ge & Granddaddy are furniture ninjas.  If I mention something that I'm looking for, nine times out of ten, they can find it.  And always with a great price tag too!  I can't wait till I get to organizing my entry way and showing off a beauty they found and brought up.

Okay, back to my story.  I mentioned to Ge that I would like for the girls to have a vanity in their room so they didn't have to worry about the boys playing with their hair things and (yes, eventually) make up.  So, off they set to looking.

I looked to but I didn't score like they did.  The vanity is beautiful and will be even more so when Zoe and I finish with it.  You'll have to stay tuned for that.

In the mean time, Ge and Granddaddy had to bring it to our house.  Which meant an afternoon of giggles, snuggles, and silliness ensued.  The kids love to see their grandparents.

Granddaddy taught the kids how to throw a screwdriver and there by aerating our non-growing sod (shortly after Mark actually had to cut took over a month but it finally group a quarter of an inch).

Malachi made sure to give off his lovely cuddles and smiles.  This was in September before the dreaded "separation anxiety" started.

Bryant with his Granddaddy.  He has been a grandfather boy from the time he was born (Papa and Granddaddy both...I think his head would explode if they were both in the same room at the same time). Yes, Ace is trying to photo bomb.

Ceili Rain refused to be outdone with the granddaddy cuddles.

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