How Does Your Garden Grow???

These are a month later, but here nonetheless!  Mid May I realized our travels were done and I had not planted my summer garden!  Agghhh!  Last year, Papa was a big help in teaching us how to garden.  Now, with me not pregnant or with a newborn, I wanted to venture out and try my hand at it on my own. 

Anyway, at church we were discussing not having tomatoes, and our pastor's wife mentioned she had seen tomato plants for fifty cents a piece.  I kid you not!  I was stoked and so were several other ladies.  That afternoon, I trekked to Lowe's and bought thirty-six plants.  Not all for me though.  Those would never fit in my Little Garden Spot.  I kept six and handed out the rest to those who had asked for them but couldn't make it there.  I also wanted to try my hand at other things.  So, I picked up an okra plant (I really wanted two but I only found one), and two banana pepper plants (I really wanted a squash but they were all gone).  Oh, and two blueberry plants.  Thus, completes our summer garden. 

Mainly, that's it because that's all we had room for.  Our Spring garden is still going.

We'd heard that the potatoes were ready to pick when the plants flowered.  We noticed they were flowering and when we went to plant the summer we decided to check on the potatoes. 

And this is where Zoe learned that potatoes grow under the ground.  When I dug my hand in and pulled up the plant she totally freaked out and thought I was just tearing up the plant and angry.

And we did get a few potatoes but, well, you can see in the pictures the size of them.

Zoe was proud of those baby potatoes.  Me, not so much.  So, in keeping with my hands on learning style, I put the plants back in the ground to see if some of them would get bigger.  Since we only had three and we're all learning.  What can it hurt???

I'll give them a few more weeks and see where we are.  I also need to run out with my camera and get a couple more pictures.  The tomatoes are looking great!

Want to see how other gardens are growing?  Check them out at Smockity Frocks!

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