Overheard in our Home

After watching The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, Ace commented, "During the scary parts,  I burped.  It was a nervous burp.  No one could hear it."

I think he was describing the "knot in your stomach" feeling.


While discussing various Christmas traditions, we started discussing how Martin Luther may have contributed to some.  To which Ace replied, "Martin Luther?  Is he the guy that signed the 900 species."

At our non-denominational church, during Awana, Liam's cubbie class was discussing the verse from Matthew, "Prepare the way of the Lord, make His paths straight."  His teacher asked the class how they could prepare the way of the Lord.  His hand shot up and he said, "Become Baptists!"  I believe he meant become baptized.  Although that's not the most exact answer either.  We're so proud!

While playing MarioKart on the Wii at Ge and Granddaddy's, Liam started yelling, "I'm invincible!  I'm invincible!  I'm invincible! I'm...not invincible!"  which means he just crashed off of something.

1 comment:

  1. Love the "become baptists" comment! Too fuuny! Hope you all are doing well!
