High Maintenance & a New Poll

I was going to put "spoiled" as my title, but realized that I am not left alone to rot...so that wouldn't work...High Maintenance fits.

This week has been looooonnng to say the least.  Mark left Monday afternoon to go on a business trip.  Before he left, we mused over who would be sick during his absence.  As, I don't "do" night time parenting, that would be my lot.  We both came up with Ceili Rain and were right.  In all fairness, she was getting a bit stuffy.

So, Tuesday morning I called and got her an earlier "re-check on her ears appointment."  A blessing came in that the appointment was in the afternoon and Papa and Grandmere were coming in for Grandmere to help me sew costumes.  They got here, we said hello, and I took Ceili Rain to the doctor.

Turns out, her left ear which was infected was clear but her right ear not so much.  Dr. R., who we had to see because Dr. B has been out for awhile with an injury (long painful story for her), was shocked when she saw the ear.  Back on antibiotics, and scheduled another re-check for a couple weeks later.

Wednesday, Grandmere and I hit the sewing machine whilst Papa entertained littles and taught Zoe and Ace (no small feat mind you).  My goal was to get Zoe's & Josiah's done.  Still not quite there with Josiah's (it's the little things) but I'm close...Since Grandmere worked on Zoe's most complicated one and got the big stuff done, I put the finishing touches on it today.

Mark came back home yesterday morning and to say I was counting down the minutes is an understatement.  I'm so excited that he's home again.  He had yesterday off (since he took the red-eye in) and today and then Saturday and Sunday.  Wooohoo!  And I get to get back to my pampered self.  I miss my team captain when he's away and I miss all the help he provides.

Now on to wondering what the kids are going to be for "Halloween!"  I haven't done a poll in a long time, so check out the side bar and vote for what you think their costumes are going to be!


  1. I love the new look of your blog!! How did you do it?
    Are we still planning a sewing night in November? I saw one on the calendar when I was putting other things on.

  2. Thanks! Well, it began as a quick fix following some links from another blog and ended up like this...I'll do a post to tell how I got here...took all morning!

    I'm game for a sewing night. I've almost got the boys' costumes done...but, I need to get the girls' Christmas dresses done.
