Going to Cloth

Nope, not talking about cloth diapers. I did that here.

I've noticed recently that we fly through napkins. 500 napkins can last us about a month around here. They're used for everything from wiping noses to cleaning spills. So, I've taken the plunge and just ordered cloth napkins. One hundred of them to be exact. I hope it's worth the money we'll save to have them.

On another note...Josiah is now asleep in my arms. He's been grumpy since Saturday and I blame it all on that stupid Orapred which, my lovely pharmacist friends told me we could not stop until he'd taken all his doses. Thankfully, he'll be done with it tomorrow. Just in time to be in a good mood for all our festivities this weekend.

1 comment:

  1. I have to say that I am one up on you with this one. We have been using cloth napkins for years around here. We do have the occasional paper for convenience and lunch boxes, but I grew up on cloth napkins so my mom has always kept me well stocked. She uses any left over material she has to make them. Creates more laundry,but I enjoy cloth napkins and everyone thinks you are pulling out the finest for them(haha)
