After going back and forth for several months, Ace decided on a Prince Caspian party in May. I, however, approached it with much trepidation. There are no easy decorations, no easy game ideas, and no easy invitation ides to go with this theme. I spent several hours scouring the internet to find Prince Caspian related things. After find things for the first Chronicles of Narnia book, I got my thinking cap on and began to plan! The above are the invitations that were sent off. We did a simple red and gold decor/table decorations. I ordered the pieces for Ace's cake online (would have paid well over $30 for a Prince Caspian cake in store).
The fun stuff came at the party. We had a special visitor from Narnia at the party. Doctor Cornelius (okay, if you've read the book you would know who he is...Prince Caspian's tutor and a half dwarf/half human). This was by way of a great friend who is also a great actor. Unfortunately, I was not a good director and sent him the script the day before the party. However, he read it great and kept most of the kids attention throughout. After Doctor Cornelius read a summary about Prince Caspian, the kids ran out to attack the Telmarines. Well, actually one Telmarine...that was Mark. We had almost 200 water balloons ready and waiting, complete with a three person balloon launcher to throw them. Eventually, another gracious dad got in on the action to help Mark, but I think the kids were very successful in the attack.
All in all, I think everyone had a wonderful time celebrating Ace's birthday. And actually, Ace's birthday is not until next week, but we thought we'd be traveling out of town that week...a change of plans is going to keep us home for his birthday but we'll still have fun celebrating again!
Great party Abbie - Tyler had a blast!