Modest Swimsuit Update and Others...

Well, I didn't have to buy an expensive swimsuit online! Yippee! Instead I settled for one that Mark really liked from Kohl's. Croft & Barrow make some nice modest swimsuits and I was really excited about that...however, their swimsuits fit smaller than most and I had to go up a size...didn't like that. Right now, the Croft & Barrow sets are on sale for 55%, if you are looking for a modest, decent swimsuit...there ya go. I actually found two that I liked and looked good and Mark chose from them. I tend to over scrutinize my body, so I was glad Mark was there to pick what he thought looked best. The downside to those swimsuits is that if you're one size on top and another on bottom, you're out of luck...but Kohl's also had several separates that you could piece together to make a complete set and still come out about $20 cheaper than one of the online stores. So, for now, this swimsuit will work and I'll save up for next year when I can be in a smaller size and get a pretty modest suit from one of the stores mentioned in an earlier post.

On my new nephews note (and I don't want to post much since I know several family members/friends read my blog and theirs), they are home and apparently doing well...from our latest report (I haven't talked to Mark to get the up to date). Thank you for your continued prayers for them. Still not posting names or anything until I get the okay from B&B.

1 comment:

  1. Hey definitely were a "hot mama" in that swimsuit. It flattered every wonderful part of you but was modest enough for public consumption. Thank you for respecting and valuing my opinion.
