Hey Kids! Want a baby chick for a pet???

Today, I was boiling eggs for tomorrow at MOPS. When the water started heating up, one of the eggs started chirping! Ugghhh! I don't use fresh eggs, just cage free eggs from the store. But, I remembered my mom telling me that she had cracked open a fresh egg and found a fertilized one...although the chick wasn't alive!

I isolated the egg and called Mark who suggested I call his brother. I called his brother and he laughed at me! He also said it was possible if there was a rooster around during the egg laying stuff. Hmm. He suggested I hold it up to a light and see if I could see anything in it. I remember my grandmother doing this, but I didn't know if it would work with brown eggs. So, I emailed my mom who said it would work, but that the eggs can make a chirping noise if there is a small hole in the egg.

I decided to just leave the egg wrapped up on a heating pad...just in case...meanwhile, I wondered what our house would be like with another baby running around...a baby chick that is. I finally got the courage to crack it and it was just a regular egg! That was a close one. It'd be interesting if there was a chick inside.

Meanwhile, Josiah seems to be doing better. I took him for what I like to call a "peace of mind" visit. He's got a red throat which is probably the cause of his fever. He's also gained a pound! Dr. B was very happy and we canceled our appointment for May 15th. She, too, was worried that he had lost weight. Mark and I have been on edge the past few weeks wondering if there was something else wrong with him. We are very grateful that he's gained weight. I hope to see him gain about two to three more pounds by his 1 year check up.

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