An Update

Life here has been nonstop. I've realized recently that I have not taken many pictures. Too busy I guess.

Well, on Monday, we went to the funeral home to be with my best friend and her husband. His mother had passed away last week. That was our "date" and it actually was nice because we were able to talk on the long drive to the funeral home.

For some reason, on Monday, I thought I could actually make it through school then to the store and then to speech. I forgot that I also had to go pick up the unsold clothes from consignment. So, we had school, ran to the store but didn't get out of there until 12. Zoe's speech was at 12:30 so we rushed through McDonald's and then headed to speech. After dropping Zoe off at speech, I rushed home, unloaded groceries and then headed back to pick up Zoe and then all the way across town to get the clothes. Needless to say, naps were shot and we watched a movie until the babysitter came and Mark and I left for the funeral home.

Tuesday was a little less busy. We just had ballet. Ace is doing lots better in there. He really is enjoying his class and making new friends. They take such extra care to make sure he receives "boy" activities. They did Angelina Ballerina and he got to wear the brown mouse ears and got a cute picture to color of a boy bear doing a ballet position.

After supper on Tuesday, we headed outside and Zoe rode her bike and Ace practiced riding on the tricycle. We've discovered that Ace's helmet is now too small for him. Zoe was doing so well with her bike...even with the training wheels being too low she was peddling and steering like a pro and was even starting to get the braking thing. She has handlebar brakes, but it's easier for her to use the backward brakes. Each day it amazes me how big she is getting. She's growing up so fast. Ace did good...he just is now trying to get the hang of steering. I'm hoping he'll have it down by Christmas so he can ask "Santa" for a bike.

Today was spent watching my friend's children while they attended the funeral. The kids had a blast over there as always and the time quickly flew by. Zoe left church with her best friend to spend the night. Again, she's growing up so fast. It's hard for me to let her go, but she's excited about doing it.

Now I'm zonked and will be heading to bed shortly! I'll try and actually take pictures tomorrow or in the next few days.

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