You've Got Your Hands Full!

Ugggghhhhh! This morning, I decided to venture out the with the kids while Mark helped a friend move. We went to a CareFair for Women that is held in our area. It was huge. LOTS of women there. If I just knew the kids would behave, I would have gotten a facial, makeover, and massage plus other things. However, I just settled for perusing and getting my blood drawn to check my sugar level and cholesterol.

I can not count the number of times I was told, "Wow! You've got your hands full." I told Zoe we needed to count how many times we were told that but she didn't start counting until we left and then she shouted out, "That's one mommy!" I was a little embarrassed but the lady who had said it then had no clue what she was talking it was a good inside joke.

I so get tired of hearing that. Especially when it's not literally true. I had two free hands it so happens. Liam and Ace rode in the stroller. Zoe stuck by me and Josiah was snug as a bug in the sling...see "hands free" minus the pushing of the stroller.

Oh well, I guess that's better than the comment about me needing a psychiatrist!

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