Josiah's Check Up & Cute Diaper Pics

Josiah's modeling the grasshopper bumgenius 2.0 one size diaper! Isn't his little bum cute! For more information about these precious awesome cloth diapers, click here. I will put up a post soon about why we use cloth and how much I love them! Especially these diapers!

Josiah had his 2 month check up today and things are looking good!
Here are his stats:
14 lbs 3 oz (97%)
25 inches long (97%)
16 1/2 inches head (90%)

He likes his momma's milk!! All else checked out really good. He got four shots but that's the most he'll have to get at once. I know not everyone feels led to get the shots, but we do.

I asked her to check out his eyes because for awhile he would not focus on our face, which anyone with a baby knows that what they are supposed to be able to focus on. I've noticed in the past couple of weeks, he's gotten better at focusing on us but still only does it about half the time. And tracking an object (or following an object or us) has been accomplished about 50% of the time as well. That has improved because he wasn't doing it at all. She noticed what I was talking about but did note that he could track just didn't stay focused for long. I told her that sometimes when we're talking to him he looks past us or above us and that's with no distractions. She said some babies are slow to develop their eye coordination and for now we are going to watch it and if it doesn't improve, then we'll see an eye doctor. She didn't note any cataracts or other visible eye impairments. So pray with us please. My dad has really bad eyesight and I want to make sure if Josiah has inherited it that we catch it earlier than when my dad's was caught.

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