Aghhhh...No time

Just wanted to post real quick that I have no time to blog! Withdrawal is seeping in. I have some really cute pictures of the kids that I tried to get up yesterday but the major thunderstorm kept me from doing that...

Also, trying to get ready for an open house where I'm going to have a booth set up with my cards, slings, and burp cloths. More on that later!

And, trying to catch up on scrapbooking as my summer of rest is quickly ending and MOPS work will start back up soon.

Planning Ace's birthday party plus trying to get our family adjusted to a new baby...see no time!

So far this week I've had all four of the kids quiet in the afternoon (since Zoe doesn't sleep, I'll take the quiet play of a four year old).

On to today...
I got up and tried to get going by 7:30 but Josiah wanted to nurse and Liam needed to get dressed and Ace needed to get dressed. I fed Josiah and right as I finished, my doorbell rang. The re-bath guys were here! Exciting yes, but a bit embarrassing that they showed up and I was fresh from a rest with mussed up hair and my pjs still on. I eventually got ready and am now adapting to having them here. Liam's still yelling and Josiah was pretty grumpy this morning. Oh, and Ace has decided that he is not going to eat. He refused supper last night so we're following Dobson's advice and he's seen it at breakfast (choose not to eat), at snack (took one bite), at lunch (a couple more bites), and will continue to see it until he eats all on his plate (which was not a lot). So, Ace has been grumpy too. After a quick movie and lunch all were in better spirits though. I'm hoping the bath gets done today so I can go to a friend's house tomorrow to relax and visit!


  1. what is Dobson's advice on this?

  2. Just what we did...offering the same thing at each meal until he eats. He did eat and ate his supper until he was full last night without complaining!
