We're on our way!

I'm 2 1/2 cm dilated and Josiah's dropped a little. We've scheduled an induction for Thursday. I had some fierce contractions since yesterday but nothing consistent. I'm praying my body will decide to go on it's own.

Much prayers for a safe delivery are appreciated. Also, pray that I am able to make this as least medically invasive as possible.

I'm sure Mark will email when he gets here!


  1. How exciting!
    Keep us posted via blog or email on everything...
    btw- we are having ISP troubles- can't send out any emails, we are having to "borrow" someone else's ISP for a few minutes occasionally to email out. Just didn't want you to think we are ignoring you in case you email. Itchy belly??? I've never heard of that...doesn't sound fun though! Not long now! Hang in there.

  2. Just stopped by to check how things are progressing with Josiah. Hopefully, he will be here soon without much medical intervention. I will be praying for you. Love, Vonda

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