
While brushing his teeth with his orange tooth brush he announced he wanted one like his brother's (it was yellow).  I told him he had one like his brother's, it' was just orange instead of yellow.

"But Mama, I don't like da color orange because it's made from oranges,"  was his reply!


Mark was admonishing him because he had hurt his sister.  Mark quoted Ephesians 4:32, "But be kind to one another, tenderhearted--"

Josiah through his arms up in frustration and in tears exclaimed, "But I don't. Know.  What  That  Means!"


We were blessed with a lot of storms a couple of weekends ago.  We had thunderstorms from that Saturday night through Sunday.  When Josiah woke up on Sunday, we were sitting in the kitchen getting breakfast ready and discussing the storms.  In all seriousness, he informed me, "Mama, those storms last night were fweaking me out!"

Oh yes, he's at that adorable age of silliness and seriousness (Is that a word???  Oh well, it is now).  So stay tuned for more from our 3 year old sage!

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